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City Council Agenda 04-14-2011
“Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. Chapter 39 §23B, and
City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.”

A Regular Meeting of the City Council held in the Council Chamber on Thursday,

April 14, 2011 at 7:00 P.M., for the purpose of transacting any and all business.  Notice of
this meeting was posted on April 8, 2011 at 9:15 P.M.  This meeting is being taped and is

live on S.A.T.V.   

       Absent were:

       Council President Ryan presided.

Councillor                      moved to dispense with the reading of the record of the previous meeting.


 President Ryan requested that everyone please rise to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Testimony not to exceed 15 minutes
Name must be on roster 30 minutes prior to meeting
Agenda items only




Held from the last meeting the Mayor’s appointment of David Gilbert to serve as the Winter Island Manager with a term to expire on February 1, 2013

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Confirmation by RCV       YEAS         NAYS         ABS                   

Held from the last meeting the Mayor’s appointment of Robert Dionne to serve as a member of the Board of Health with a term to expire on April 1, 2014

Action Contemplated

Councillor                              Moved Confirmation by RCV       YEAS         NAYS         ABS

Mayor’s appointment of Julie Carver to serve as a member of the Council on Aging with a term to expire on April 1, 2014

Councillor                              Suspension of the rules         Councillor              objection

Action Contemplated

Councillor                              Held under the Rules                                    Voted
                                        OR Moved Confirmation by RCV

Mayor’s reappointment of Mark Ianuzzi to serve as a Constable with the term to expire on April 14, 2014

Action Contemplated

Councillor                      Moved Received & Filed                                          Voted



Transfer of $27,500.00 from “Collector – Full Time Salary” to  the following accounts

“Treasurer – Contracted Services”       $19,500.00
“Treasurer – Full time Salaries”                    8,000.00

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                              Moved Ref. to Committee                         Voted
                                                On Administration & Finance

Appropriation of $10,350.90 to the “Retirement Stabilization Fund – Vacation/Sick Leave Buyback” account to be expended for the retirement of Barbara Soulard of the School Dept.

Councillor                      suspension Of rules                     Councillor                      objection

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                              Moved Ref. to Committee                         Voted
                                                On Administration & Finance
                                                Under rules

Appropriation of $5,000.00 to the “Capital Outlay – Renovations & Repairs” account to be expended to improve traffic signals northbound on Canal St. and Mill St.

Councillor                      suspension Of rules                     Councillor                      objection

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                              Moved Ref. to Committee                         Voted
                                                On Administration & Finance
                                                Under rules

ORDER: for Council approval of submittal of application for Federal Assistance to Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Community Block Grant (CDBG) funds to meet application deadline of April 28, 2011.

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                              Moved Approval                                  Voted

ORDER: Accept donation of $4,000.00 from N.F.I. Massachusetts Inc., for Police Dept. Donation Fund.

action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                              Moved Approval                                  Voted


ORDER: To increase the salary of the Assistant City Clerk Ilene Simons.

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                              Moved Approval                                  Voted

ORDINANCE: amending an Ordinance relative to the duties of the Clerk of Licensing Board and City Solicitor Chapter 2 Sections 2-112, 2-115, 2-413.

Action contemplated

Councillor                              Moved Adoption for first passage                                Voted

ORDER: Transfer of $1,667.00 from “Solicitor – Legal Services” to “Solicitor’s – Personnel”

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                              Moved Ref. to Committee                         Voted
                                                On Administration & Finance




Councillor McCarthy

ORDER: Monthly Financial Report dated February 28, 2011 be referred to Committee on Administration & Finance.

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR McCarthy                     Moved Approval                                  Voted

Councillor Sosnowski

ORDER:  That a two hour parking limit in front of #2 - #8 Winter starting at a point of 20 feet from Bridge Street from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday for a trial period of 60 days.

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR  Sosnowski                   Moved Approval                                  Voted

Councillor Sosnowski

ORDINANCE  amending Traffic C.42 S.57A Parking Time Limited, Unmetered Zone in front of #45 Bridge Street starting 20 feet south of Planters Street continuing 20 feet 1 space 30 minute parking, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR Sosnowski                    Moved Adopt for first passage                   Voted

Councillor Lovely

ORDER:  That an Ad-Hoc committee on Redistricting be formed by this City Council to finalize the 2012 Ward and Precinct boundaries, as required by Mass. General Law. Said Committee to consist of Councillors from Wards 1 through 7 and the president of the Council shall serve as Chairperson.

Action Contemplated

COUNCILLOR Lovely                       Moved Adoption                                  Voted

Councillor Lovely

ORDER:  That the enclosed Tag Day License Application for the Salem High School Boys and Girls Tennis Team to be held on Sunday, April 17, 2011 be granted.

Action Contemplated

COUNCILLOR Lovely                       Moved Adoption                                  Voted

Councillor Lovely

ORDER: That Patrick Shultz of Howling Wolf Taqueria be appointed as a member of the Home Rule Petition Liquor License Criteria sub-committee.

Action Contemplated

COUNCILLOR Lovely                       Moved confirmation                                      Voted

Councillor Pinto

ORDINANCE  amending Traffic C.42 S.50B Handicap Parking Limited Time, in front of #4 Japonica Avenue.

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR Sosnowski                    Moved Adopt for first passage                   Voted


COUNCILLOR Lovely offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs regarding granting certain licenses and would recommend approval

PUBLIC GUIDES           Victor Cora, 28 Sidlaw Rd.,Brighton
                                Eric Fialho, 22 Hancock St., Salem
                                Alicia Diozzi, 40 English St., Salem
                                Eric Fraize, 68 Moffatt Rd., Salem
                                Mark Allen Wood, 184 Ocean Ave W. #3L, Salem

TAG DAYS                        SHS Boys Track, June 4, 2011
                                Salem Veterans Council, July 1-4, 2011
                                Disabled American Veterans, May 21-23, 2011

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Lovely offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs co-posted with the Committee of the Whole regarding establishing criteria for Home Rule Petition for liquor licenses and would recommend that the matter remain in committee and the subcommittee report back in 30 days

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Lovely offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs co-posted with the Committee of the Whole regarding the request from a Taxi Company to increase fares and would recommend that a subcommittee be formed to review fares for cab and livery companies and make recommendations back to the committee

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Lovely offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs regarding the review of Boston Hot Dog Co. to make extended hours permanent Thursday-Saturday from 7 PM to 2 AM and would recommend approval

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Lovely offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs regarding establishing a Traffic and Parking Commission and would recommend this matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Lovely offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs regarding the acceptance of a donation of the podium would recommend approval

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR  McCarthy offered the following report for the Committee on Administration and Finance  regarding monthly and/or Year to Date Financial Reports

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted


COUNCILLOR Pinto offered the following report for the Committee on Public Health, Safety and Environment regarding the Snow and Ice Removal and would recommend that the matter remain in committee and that the City Solicitor research and draft an amended ordinance to submit back to the committee
Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted


COUNCILLOR Pinto offered the following report for the Committee on Public Health, Safety and Environment regarding the status of an appeal for a 400 ton permit issued to Northside Carting and would recommend no recommendation and that the matter be discharged from committee
Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR  Ryan offered the following report for the Committee of the Whole regarding the comprehensive parking plan recommendations and the ordinances amending traffic ordinance and would recommend that both matters remain in committee until the committee hears back from the Planning Dept. before April 28, 2011

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted



Solicitor submitting the following Ordinance amendment.

ORDINANCE to amend an Ordinance relative to Article IV Chapter 34 Section 38-158 Record of Purchases by licensed Pawnbrokers and Second Hand Valuable dealers.

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                              Moved Adopt for first passage                   Voted



Request from the residents of Oliver Street to hold a block party on Friday, April 29, 2011 from 10:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. with a rain date of Saturday, April 30, 2011

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Approval                                          Voted

Request from Sam Cleaves, Sr., Regional Planner from Metropolitan Area Planning Council to make a presentation to Council regarding a Predisaster Mitigation Plan

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved referred to Committee                             Voted

Communication from Newburyport City Council regarding their concerns of the MBTA service and asking the Council to send a letter of concern and an invitation to join them on May 3, 2011at a Transportation Committee Meeting

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved referred to Committee                             Voted


The Following Licenses:

PUBLIC GUIDES           Ronald Olson, 154 lLfayette St., Salem
                                Kevin Whynott, 64 Veterans Memorial Dr., Peabody
                                Michael McIntyre, 77 Summer St. #1, Salem
                                Katelyn Gordon, 33 Franklin St., Salem
                                Haven Mary McGovern, 205 Bridge St. #205, Salem

TAG DAYS                        S.H.S. Softball, June 5, 2011 and June 19, 2011
                                S.H.S. La Union Latina Club, June 11 & 12, 2011
                                Franco American War Vets, August 19 & 20, 2011

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Ref. to the Comm. on Ord.,                        VOTED
                                        Licenses & Legal Affairs

The Following Licenses

TAG DAY                 New Life Church, 3615 22nd Street, Tampa, FL, May 19 & 20, 2011

Action Contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Denied                                            Voted

The Following Licenses

LIMOUSINE                               Finix Livery Service, 142 Canal St., Salem                      (7)

TAXI CABS                               Witch City Taxi and Livery, 54 Perkins St., Salem               (4)

TAXI OPERATORS                  James Kozik, 90 Colonial Ter., Salem
                                        Roberto Pacheco, 105 Congress St., Salem
                                        Mateo Calderon, 6 Grand St. Beverly
                                        Kevin Guilfoyle, 16 Northend Ave., Salem
                                        Ryan Belanger, 179 Boston St. #23, Salem
                                        Donald Bovio, 6 Oak St., Peabody
                                        Edna Sanchez, 60 Perkins St. #3, Salem
                                        Juan Moronta, 13 Mason St., Salem
                                        Juan Lopez, 13 Mason St., Salem
                                        Andres Espinal, 12 Mt. Vernon St. #2, Salem

OPERATORS ONLY          Brian O’Meariaigh, 18 Palmer St., Salem
                                        Ruth Gilbert Wall, 13 Crombie St., Salem

Action Contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Granted                                           Voted

The Following Licenses

TAXI OPERATOR                   Raymond Garland, 298 Washington St., Salem

Action Contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Denied                                            Voted

Request from Raymond Garland for a hearing on the denial of his taxi operator license

Action Contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved referred to the Comm. on Ord.,                    Voted
                                        Lic. & Legal Affairs to hold an Executive

The following Drainlayer/Contract Operator Licenses:

                                A RooterMan, 15 Littles Lane, Peabody

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Granted                                           Voted

The Following Claims:
                                Kimberley Grillo, 34 Asti Ave., Revere
                                Jullie McHugh, 18 Ward St., Salem
                                Julie McHugh, 18 Ward St., Salem
                                Donald Hesse, 135 Ocean Ave. W., Salem
                                Beth McCuish, 37 March St., Salem
                                Thomas Raucher, 3R Oakview Ave., Salem                          

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Refer to Comm. on Ord.,
                                        Licenses & Legal Affairs                                        Voted



Mayor’s VETO of an Ordinance relative to Compensation of Elected Officials Chapter 2
Section 2-278.

Action contemplated

Shall the Ordinance be adopted not withstanding the Veto of the Mayor?

                                        RCV             YEAS            NAYS            ABS.

        On the motion of COUNCILLOR                              the meeting adjourned at                 P.M.